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The food delivery industry has been absolutely booming for some time now. Yet, only a few years ago, most people had pizza home-delivered and not much else. Things are obviously a little different these days, and ordering a whole host of varying cuisine is a weekly or even daily event for most of us. It used to be something of a treat but is now a pretty standard part of our lives, and for a good reason – food delivery services are quick, budget-friendly, and save a ton of hassle.

GoPuff has taken delivery service to the next level by offering everyday convenience store items such as snacks, ready meals, cleaning products, baby food, and in some states, even alcohol. We are in a period of change, and GoPuff has quickly become massive due to the demand for this convenient service. Who knows? There might come a time when we have all of our groceries delivered, making better use of the time wasted going to and from the grocery store.

Go Puff, Food Delivery

Go Puff, Food Delivery

But Who Are They, and What Do They Do?

Well, everyone loves a story like this. Two easy-going Philadelphia sophomore besties are making frequent trips for groceries because these guys had a car, unlike their wider circle of friends. What started as occasionally asking ‘does anyone need anything from the store’ soon turned into several trips each day, grabbing much-needed essentials to satisfy their buddies’ hunger, thirst, or sudden desperate need for Gummy Bears.

Things began to get a little out of control. Messages, calls, and sometimes even emails poured in, often in the middle of classes. Please can you get me this. Please can you get me that. So, being a couple of quite brainy guys with a flair for tech, they spent a month or two designing and launching an app to make everything more manageable. Soon, they began to stock a few basics of their own, taking the store out of the equation. Without yet realizing it, GoPuff was born.

Delivery work

Delivery work

Go Puff, Food Delivery